Titus 2

Journey Through The Bible
     Old Testament Reading:
Ecclesiastes 1:7-12
     New Testament Reading: Titus 2

But you are to proclaim things consistent with sound teaching. … Proclaim these things; encourage and rebuke with all authority. Let no one disregard you (Titus 2:1, 15).

In his early years, Paul, in a whirlwind of energy, had carried the message of the gospel to the far corners of the Middle East and even to Europe. Age and poor health gradually slowed him down, and he has spent many of his later years locked away in prison. Increasingly, he must turn to loyal helpers to carry on his work.

Paul instructed Titus that to stand out as followers of Jesus, men and women of the faith must speak and act in a way that aligns with sound doctrine. The lives of the false teachers were a defamation rather than a Bible. By their conduct, they denied the great truths of the faith. The damage to the Christian testimony by those who professed great holiness but lived a lie is beyond measure. Paul assigned to Titus (and to all true servants of the Lord) the task of teaching what is proper for sound doctrine. He was to close the awful chasm between the lips of God’s people and their lives.

Paul gave practical examples in the verses that followed of what these good works should be. In our speech and actions, Believers are to be sensible and worthy of respect (v2), with reverent behavior (v3), to be self-controlled and pure (v5), with integrity and dignity (v7), beyond reproach (v8), well-pleasing (v9), demonstrating faithfulness (v10), sensible, righteous, and godly (v12), and eager to do good works (v14).

These are things that Titus was commissioned to teach. He was to exhort or encourage the saints to lives of practical godliness and to rebuke any who contradicted the apostolic teachings either by word or by life. And he didn’t have to be apologetic in carrying on a forceful ministry encourage and rebuke with all authority. Let no one disregard you (v15).Titus did not need to have qualms about his youth, his Gentile background, or any natural disability. He was speaking the word of God, and this made all the difference.

The idea that Christianity is merely a social club and that believers have no responsibility other than believing in God absolutely contradicts Scripture. We are to be zealously pursuing the work the Lord has called us to do. Motivated by faith and hope in Him and committed to serving others and leading them into a growing relationship with Jesus Christ. We are also to grow deeper in our love and devotion to Him through prayer and Bible Study so that we will obey, glorify, and please Him always.

Titus 3
Titus 1

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