Thank You!

In these busy times with our lives so filled with activities, it is wonderful to have a holiday to pause and reflect on the change of seasons and express our gratitude.  At this time of Thanksgiving our thoughts turn gratefully to you to express warm sincere appreciation for your confidence and loyalty.

The holidays are a time for reflection and time to give thanks for the blessings received throughout the year. As we count our blessings this Thanksgiving Day, know that you are among them. Partners like you have made the start
of this ministry possible – and for that I am extremely grateful.

There is no more appropriate time to say “Thank You” for your prayers, financial support and friendship, and to wish you a happy holiday season! We are deeply thankful and extend to you our best wishes for a happy and healthy Thanksgiving Day and a Blessed Christmas. May Christ fill your heart with His love and your home filled with the laughter of friends, the love of family, and the joys of the season.

Happy Thanksgiving

America’s Men Problem!

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