Revelation 2

Journey Through The Bible
 Old Testament Reading:
Deuteronomy 11-13
 New Testament Reading: Revelation 2

But I have this against you: You have abandoned the love you had at first. Remember then how far you have fallen; repent, and do the works you did at first. Otherwise, I will come to you and remove your lampstand from its place, unless you repent (Revelation 2:4-5).

The Man among the Lampstands dictates a personal letter to each of the seven churches. Only the Head of the church, Jesus Christ, can accurately inspect each church and know its true condition because He sees the internals, not just the external. But these messages are relevant not just for those seven churches, but also for us today because the Lord intended for all churches to read and benefit from them. Notice the use of the plural churches in verses 2:7, 11. 17, 29, 3:6, 13, & 22.

The Lord was also speaking to individual Christians. Whoever has ears, let them hear what the Spirit says. The church is the people, not a building. Churches comprise individuals, and the spiritual health of the individuals determines the spiritual life of the church.

The church at Ephesus enjoyed a rich history. The Apostle Paul started the church, and he taught there longer than at any other church on his missionary journeys. Both Timothy and the Apostle John served as pastors of the church. Apollos, the most eloquent Christian orator in the first century, preached there. While Paul and Apollos taught there, members of the congregation went out and started other churches throughout Asia Minor. (Acts 18:10)

Jesus commended the Ephesian assembly. This was a serving church, busy doing the work of the Lord. It was a doctrinally sound church, and they did not tolerate false teachers. It was a steadfast assembly who persevered and endured under trial. They kept going even when the going got tough. And they did this all for His name’s sake!

No matter how you examine this congregation, you would conclude that it is just about the perfect church. However, the One among the Lampstands saw into their hearts, and He had a different opinion. This church suffered from ‘heart trouble’. They had lost their first love. They were doing the work of the Lord, but they were not motivated by a Love for Christ Jesus. The right things were being done for the wrong reasons.

Every Sunday in America today, on average, six churches close their door for the last time. The Lord has removed their Lampstand. Often the reason is the same as happened in Ephesus. Many of these churches have a rich history of faithfully serving the Lord. But our beautiful music and doctrinal accuracy become hollow sounding gongs when they are not motivated by love for Jesus. When church member’s service become nothing more than going through the motions, they may fool many people, but like a good shepherd, Jesus knows our motive and our actions. God is only pleased with those who serve Him out of loving devotion, not empty obligation.

The church that loses its love will soon lose its light, no matter how doctrinally sound it may be. It is only as we love Christ fervently that we can serve Him faithfully.

Revelation 3
Revelation 1

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