Prayer Partner

Will You Be My Prayer Partner?

I am looking for 30 people to commit to praying on one day every month for me, my family, and my ministry with Man in the Mirror.  In return on that day I will pray for you and your family.

If you are willing, please send me an email Click Here
Please include your name, and that you are willing to be my Prayer Partner in the body of the email. I will send you a return email with your appointed day.

I invite you to be a part of what God will be doing using me as his humble servant. By God’s grace, through my ministry with local pastors and other church leaders, we can help men lead powerful lives for Christ, becoming Godly Fathers and Husbands and developing as Spiritual Leaders.

Please prayerfully consider also becoming a Financial Partner with a special gift or an ongoing monthly investment. For more information on giving Click Here.

In His Service,
Brad Simon

Man in the Mirror, a nonprofit ministry whose vision is to help churches create an environment where the Holy Spirit inspires men to engage in life-on-life discipleship. The ministry is considered the market leader in training church leaders to effectively disciple their men. To learn more about Man in the Mirror Click Here.

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New Ministry Opportunity

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