Philippians 1

Journey Through The Bible
   Old Testament Reading:
2 Samuel 19-20
   New Testament Reading: Philippians 1

I give thanks to my God for every remembrance of you, always praying with joy for all of you in my every prayer, because of your partnership in the gospel from the first day until now. I am sure of this, that he who started a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus (Philippians 1: 3-6).

Our journey through the New Testament takes us to the most joyous book in the Bible. As you read through Philippians, you cannot help but smile, and it’s hard to imagine it is from the pen of the Apostle Paul while he was chained to a Roman guard awaiting trial.

Paul writes to encourage the Christians at Philippi to live joyfully in every circumstance. God is the source of Paul’s joy, his peace, his conquering spirit, and his heart for ministry, even when he is a prisoner and in need of someone to minister to him, God enables him to rise above his circumstances and use even this opportunity to advance the gospel (v 12-13).

Isn’t it remarkable that while in prison, Paul was thinking of others and not of himself? As he awaits his trial in Rome, Paul’s mind goes back to the Believers in Philippi. Paul tells them what a source of joy and thanksgiving they are in his life. It was a delight for him to pray for these Believers. The memories that filled Paul’s mind from his stay in Philippi ten years earlier are all happy ones. He harbors no regrets, no ill feelings, no unresolved conflicts; just joy that engulfs his every memory and makes every prayer a delight.

Besides his happy memories, Paul has a firm confidence in the Philippians’ spiritual growth. The church at Philippi did not start hot, only to turn cold as soon as the apostle left. They were consistent, alive, and actively taking part in the gospel on their own.

Salvation is the good work that God begins in our life when we trust His Son. God continues to work in us through His Spirit as we continue to walk with Him, working to conform us to the image of His Son. (Rom 8:29) It was a source of joy for Paul to know that God was still at work in the lives of his fellow Believers at Philippi. Paul was absolutely convinced that God was at work in the church at Philippi, that He was in full control of that church, and that everything about that church followed a plan for God’s glory.

Philippians 2
Ephesians 6

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