Matthew 8

Journey Through The Bible
     Old Testament Reading:
Ezra 5-7
     New Testament Reading: Matthew 8

As he got into the boat, his disciples followed him. Suddenly, a violent storm arose on the sea, so that the boat was being swamped by the waves—but Jesus kept sleeping. So the disciples came and woke him up, saying, “Lord, save us! We’re going to die!” He said to them, “Why are you afraid, you of little faith?” Then he got up and rebuked the winds and the sea, and there was a great calm. The men were amazed and asked, “What kind of man is this? Even the winds and the sea obey him!” (Matthew 8: 23-27)

We have been introduced to the person of the King (Matt 1-4), and the principles of the King (Matt 5-7), and now we are ready for the power of the King. After all, if a king does not have the power to accomplish anything, what good are his credentials or his principles?

In chapters 8 & 9, Matthew reports ten miracles. In these miracles, Jesus displayed grace to the outcast, peace to the disturbed, and restoration to the broken. Not only did Jesus heal, but interspersed among the miracles, He also taught His followers so that they would begin to understand His purpose in coming. Jesus’ display of power over nature was one way that He revealed Himself to His disciples.

It is not unusual for violent storms to develop quickly on Lake Galilee. The surface is over six hundred feet below sea level, and the rapidly rising hot air draws violent winds whose cold air churns up the water. Jesus undoubtedly knew the storm was coming and certainly could have prevented it. But He gave the order to go to the other side of the sea (v18). He allowed the storm to happen and sent His disciples out on the water so that He might teach them a lesson.

For the disciples to cry to Jesus for help reveals that they believed he could do something. More than others, they had witnessed his miracles and believed he could rescue them. The disciples expected Jesus to intervene. But just as a crowd expects a magician to do his trick, yet marvels when it is done, so the disciples were amazed when He stilled the storm and asked, “What kind of man is this? Even the winds and the sea obey him!” (v27).

Jesus calling them you of little faith (v26) does not imply that they need more faith. Later, Jesus will tell them if you have faith the size of a mustard seed (Matt 17:20). It is not a matter of how much faith you have, but who you have your faith in. By asking, the disciples showed they still had faith in a little God. Jesus is the virgin-born Messiah who redeems his people from their sins. How could He die in a storm before He accomplished His work? But the disciples did not yet understand these things. They saw that his authority extended over nature, yet they did not grasp the profoundness of his rebuke.

Jesus was asleep because He rested confidently in the will of His Father, and this is what the disciples should have done. Instead, they became frightened and accused Jesus of not caring!

When the storms of life happen, and we face trials and difficult times do we panic like the disciples and fret and worry, or do we follow Jesus’ example and rest in God’s arms entrusting ourselves to His tender care and mercies trusting Him to guide us through the storm?

Matthew 9
Matthew 7

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