Luke 12

Journey Through The Bible
   Old Testament Reading:
Genesis 12-14
   New Testament Reading: Luke 12

Don’t strive for what you should eat and what you should drink, and don’t be anxious. For the Gentile world eagerly seeks all these things, and your Father knows that you need them. But seek his kingdom, and these things will be provided for you (Luke 12: 29-31).

Throughout Luke chapter twelve and into chapter thirteen, Jesus is teaching and answering questions in Judea near the end of His ministry a few months before His crucifixion. The content of His teaching is extremely similar to the Sermon on the Mount recorded in Matthew chapters five through seven, given at the beginning of His ministry up north by the Sea of Galilee. Undoubtedly, Jesus taught similar messages throughout His ministry.

Here in Luke is the only record of Jesus telling the parable of the foolish rich farmer. Jesus was not condemning hard work or accomplishment, but the inward focus the man had. In two verses, the farmer used the word ‘I’ five times and ‘my’ four times. When he was considering what to do with the abundant crop, he did not thank God nor consult his wife, family, or business partners. Instead, he said to himself.

Jesus then tells His disciples not to worry or be anxious about their daily needs. He uses the familiar analogy of birds and wildflowers. God provides food for birds, so isn’t it reasonable He will also provide for us. Again, Jesus is not condemning hard work or planning. I’ve never seen a bird sitting on a tree branch with his mouth open waiting for it to rain worms! God provides the worms, but it is the bird that rises early and gets busy working to find and gather the worms that gets feed.

Nor is Jesus condemning owning nice things. Did you notice Jesus referred to the beautiful wildflowers and Solomon in all his splendor? He did not reference the weeds in the field or the shabby beggar at the side of the road.

What Jesus is reminding us in these passages is that God has called Christians to serve Him, indwelled us with His Holy Spirit to assist us, and given us Spiritual Gifts to accomplish that service of ministry. We are to concern ourselves with building His Kingdom and focus our attention on the ministry of service He has called us to do. And not worry about or be anxious for our daily needs of food and clothing because God is faithful and will provide them.

We’ve all heard the expression “God helps those who help themselves”. That phrase is nowhere to be found in the Bible, and it is not even a principle taught in scripture. What Jesus is teaching here is that God will take care of (will help) those who focus on and strive to build His Kingdom.

Some people, like the rich farmer, worry about having too much, others worry about having too little. If our hearts are focused on earthly things as the Gentiles do, then we will always be worried about these things. But if we set our hearts on the eternal, then God’s peace will guard our minds and hearts. God knows our needs and we can trust Him to meet them.

Luke 13
Luke 11

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