America has a Men Problem!

Divorce courts are at capacity because of it. Families are ripped apart by it. Wives soak their pillows with their tears because of it. Children grow up in poverty because of it. Teenagers experiment with alcohol, drugs and sex to cope with it.

A lot of money gets spent to treat the symptoms of it.  We open teenage pregnancy centers, establish substance abuse centers, increase budgets for social services, build homes for battered women, authorize more jail space, put extra beds in our homeless shelters, increase the number of law enforcement officers, and fit our schools with metal detectors to deal with it.

“It” is among the most pervasive social, economic, political, and spiritual problems of all time. Everyone is concerned about it. Many address the consequences of it. Yet few people are doing anything that will change the cause of it.

No Donkey or Elephant can solve the problem … It takes a Lamb!

There is no political answer. Jesus Christ is the only lasting answer to the problem and His Church is His chosen institute to implement His Ministry.  Churches are the ones whom God has called to instruct, encourage, correct, challenge, inspire, and call men to act like men. God’s desire is that every man in your community become a disciple of Jesus, and every disciple to grow to spiritual maturity.

At Man in the Mirror, we have a vision to see every church disciple every man. Churches Don't Have To Go It Alone. Man in the Mirror has Field Staff all over the U.S. to assist churches in creating an environment where the Holy Spirit inspires men to engage in life on life discipleship, to help them lead powerful lives for Christ, to become Responsible Citizens, Godly Fathers & Husbands, and develop as Spiritual Leaders.

No Man Left Behind Training
NMLB Training

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