Galatians 5

Journey Through The Bible
     Old Testament Reading:
1 Samuel 23-25
     New Testament Reading: Galatians 5

But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. The law is not against such things (Galatians 5:22-23).

Paul tells the Galatians, I say, then, walk by the Spirit (v16a). He also states, If we live by the Spirit, let us also keep in step with the Spirit (v25). But how do we know if we are walking in step with the Holy Spirit? Paul tells us we can know because of the fruit in our lives. Fruit reveals on the outside visible behavior of what is on the inside. Apple trees bear apples because inside the tree is apple DNA. Peach trees can only produce peaches because that is inside the tree.

Paul says that if we live by the flesh, the works of the flesh are obvious and lists many of them in (v19-21). This list is the Fruit of the Flesh. But if you are walking by the Spirit and led by the Spirit, then your life will bear the Fruit of the Spirit. Your Fruit, your visible behaviors, reveals to others what is on the inside. It shows if your flesh controls you or the Holy Spirit.

The Holy Spirit working in your life produces fruit which comprises nine Godly attitudes that characterize the lives of those who belong to God by faith in Christ and possess the Spirit of God. They are:

1. Love: Are my actions motivated by love for people? This love is referring not to an emotional affection or physical attraction, but to respect, devotion, and affection that leads to willing, self-sacrificial service.

2. Joy or Gladness: Do I exhibit unshakable joy, regardless of circumstances? It is the sense of well-being experienced by one who knows all is well between himself and the Lord. Joy is a gift from God. Believers are not to manufacture it, but to delight in the blessing they already possess.

3. Peace: Do people see my inward peace and are encouraged? Peace is not the absence of conflict, but an inner calm that results from confidence in their relationship with Christ.

4. Patience or Longsuffering: Do I wait patiently for results as I do works of ministry for God? Patience is the ability to endure injuries inflicted by others and the willingness to accept irritating or painful situations.

5. Kindness: Am I caring and understanding toward everyone I meet? Tender concern for others, reflected in a desire to treat others gently, just as the Lord treats all believers.

6. Goodness: Do I want the best for others and the organization? Believers are commanded to exemplify goodness, moral and spiritual excellence manifested in active kindness.

7. Faithfulness: Have I kept my commitments to God and others? A person characterized by faithfulness is one on whom others can rely. They are loyal and trustworthy.

8. Gentleness or Meekness: Is my strength under control? Can I be both tough and tender? Gentleness describes those who exhibit a humble and gentle attitude. One who may become angry at the right time but never angry at the wrong time.

9. Self-Control: Am I disciplined to make progress toward my goals? Self-control is the quality that gives victory over sinful desires and enables a person to live and walk in this world without yielding to temptation.

It is possible for the old nature, the flesh, to counterfeit some of the fruit of the Spirit. The difference is when the Spirit produces fruit, God gets the glory, and the Christian is not conscious of his spirituality. But when the flesh is at work, the person is inwardly proud of himself and is pleased when others compliment him. The work of the Spirit is to make us more like Christ for His glory, not for the praise of men.

Galatians 6
Galatians 4

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