2 Corinthians 4

Journey Through The Bible
     Old Testament Reading:
Judges 4-6
     New Testament Reading: 2 Corinthians 4

Therefore, since we have this ministry because we were shown mercy, we do not give up. Instead, we have renounced secret and shameful things, not acting deceitfully or distorting the word of God, but commending ourselves before God to everyone’s conscience by an open display of the truth (2 Corinthians 4: 1-2).

Every Christian is called to the work of ministry (Eph. 2:10 & 4:12). It does not matter whether your ministry is to children or adults, to evangelize the lost or disciple Christians to maturity, to be visible teaching and leading or serving quietly behind the scenes, Paul provides in this chapter principles of effective ministry.

First, to have a ministry as God intended, you must have the correct mental attitude. Paul said, since we have this ministry because we were shown mercy, we do not give up (v1). The words this ministry refers to the kind of ministry Paul described in chapter 3. A glorious ministry that brings life, a ministry with authenticity, with nothing to hide and nothing to prove.

This ministry is a gift. We receive it from God. It is given to us because of His mercy, not because of anything we have done. The way you look at ministry helps to determine how you will fulfill it. If you look upon serving Christ as an obligation, a burden we bear, instead of a privilege, you will find it to be drudgery and do only what is required of you. When Paul considered the fact that he was a minister of Jesus Christ, he was overwhelmed by the grace and mercy of God. His positive attitude toward the ministry allowed him to reach out to others with open arms and extended hands.

A ministry as God intended provides constant stability. It does not make you lose heart or want to give up. Despite his great gifts and vast experience, Paul was a human and subject to human frailties. But how could he lose heart when he was involved in such a wonderful ministry? Knowing that God entrusted this ministry to us lifts us up instead of dragging us down. It doesn’t depress us, but motivates us to continue.

Paul then said, we have renounced secret and shameful things, not acting deceitfully or distorting the word of God (v2). A ministry as God intended rejects deceit. Paul had nothing to hide, either in his personal life or in his preaching. He was open and unguarded, and rejected any ministry that was secretive and underhanded.

2 Corinthians 5
2 Corinthians 3

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