52-Week Journey Through the Bible

Join us as we take a 52-week journey through the Bible. Every Monday through Friday this year we will take a look at one chapter of the New Testament.  By reading five chapters a week we will read the entire New Testament in one year. An Old Testament reading will be provided for those who wish to read through the entire Bible in the year. Join us on this 52-week journey through the Bible. Beginning Jan 1st. 

Click here to download the Reading Plan.

To get ready for your year long journey through the Bible, Pray asking God to prepare your heart and to guide you through your study. Read the following scriptures on the importance of reading your Bible daily: Dt 6:6-9, Jos 1:7-8, Ps 1:2, 119:9-16 & 105, Is 40:8, Mt 7:24, Ac 17:11, 2Ti 2:15, 3:16&17, Jas 1:22, Heb 4:12, 5:12-13, 1Pe 2:2

Old & New Testament
Each day we’ll provide a Scripture selection from both the Old and New Testament.  You can choose to read both selections each day to read through the Bible during 2020 or just the one selection to read through the New Testament.

A Daily Devotion based on that day’s New Testament reading will be posted here. These messages will challenge you to grow deeper in your Christian Faith and walk closer with Jesus Christ during 2020.

The New Testament will be divided by author.  We will begin our journey with the writings of Dr. Luke, then move to the Apostle John, next we will look at the letters of the Apostle Paul to the churches, Then the Gospel by Mark, followed by the letters of the Apostle Paul to individuals and letters by other authors, and conclude our journey with the Gospel by Matthew.

The Old Testament scriptures are divided by alternating between books of poetry and proverbs, books of history, and books of prophecy.

On Monday through Friday
Begin with prayer asking God to guide your understanding of today’s scripture, and to show you areas in your life He wants you to improve. Continue to Pray as you read asking God what each verse means and how it can apply to your life. Underline verses that are meaningful to you and write down questions you may have in a notebook.

On Saturday & Sunday ~ Review & Reflect
Review the scriptures you read the past week, especially the verses you underlined, and reflect on what they mean to you. Read 2 Timothy 3: 16 & 17 and ask God how you can more fully apply His Word in your life.

Review the questions you wrote down and read the passages of scriptures that you have trouble with from different Bible Translations to gain a better understanding of what the original Greek language said. Look up other Bible passages that relate to those verses to help make it clearer and more understandable. Then be certain to attend worship services on Sunday as you praise God for all that He has revealed to you during the week and encourage other believers in their journey with God and be encouraged by them.

New Year’s Resolution
Make a commitment now to read through the Bible in 2020. Make it your New Year’s Resolution. I’ve never been one to make New Year’s Resolutions, but this is one that I hope and pray that you will make and keep all year long.

Luke 1: 1-39
Disciples were out Discipled

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