Luke 5

Journey Through The Bible
     Old Testament Reading:
Psalms 31-36
     New Testament Reading: Luke 5

Yet he often withdrew to deserted places and prayed.(Luke 5:16)

Here in Luke chapter 5, we find Jesus busy with ministry. He is preaching to the multitudes, performing miracles, healing a man with leprosy and a paralyzed man, forgiving sins, debating with the Pharisees and teachers of the law, calling one of His Disciples, eating at a banquet, answering questions of John’s disciples, and teaching parables. Amid all this ministry is this little verse 16 that is often overlooked with all that is going on. In fact, I have several Bible Commentaries that don’t even mention verse 16. And I’ve heard expository preachers end one week with verse 15 and begin the next week with verse 17 like verse 16 did not even exist.

Yet this short little verse made all the others possible. It is where Jesus was refreshed and drew the energy to perform all the other work of ministry that are listed. Jesus withdrew from the activities and prayed!

Throughout the Gospels, we often find Jesus spending time alone with God. Sometimes it is early in the morning, other times it is at night after a long day of ministry, and like here in Luke, sometimes during the day in the middle of ministry. There are even times when His late-night encounters with His Father turned into an early morning event as He spent all night in prayer.

Often today we get so busy doing ministry we neglect time alone with God. We have so many Worship services and Bible studies throughout the week, Christian organizations and church functions to attend, committees to serve on, witnessing to the community, visiting and providing for the sick and shut-ins, and ministering in so many different ways. It’s exhausting just reading the list.

If Jesus, who is God incarnate, needed this time alone with His Father, how much more important is it for us to spend time alone with him each day? As Jesus’ example shows, there is no one time of day that is better than another. Many Christians find time early in the morning before the day begins is best for them. Others do so at night before they go to bed. Parents of small children may find a time when the kids are napping or at school to be best. What time of day is not important, but what is important is that you regularly spend time alone with your Heavenly Father.

Don’t fall to the temptation of reading a chapter quickly just to check it off a list. How often do we read scripture and then forget what we read almost as soon as we close our Bible? Instead, spend time praying that God will open your eyes and your understanding to see areas in His Word that you need to work on. Underline passages that are meaningful to you. Meditate on what you read during the day, thinking about what you learned. Ask for forgiveness for sins that the Holy Spirit reveals to you. Consciously work on areas in your life that God shows you need to improve. Pray asking God to reveal to you areas of ministry He is calling you to perform.

Most of all, like a little child who finds rest in their parent’s arms, let God lead you along the still waters and green pastures of His Word and restore your soul. Jesus often slipped away from the crowds to a quiet place to be alone with God to pray and seek the Father’s help. What a good example for all of God’s servants to follow.

Luke 6
Luke 4

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