Luke 1: 1-39

Journey Through The Bible
     Old Testament Reading:
Psalms 1-6
     New Testament Reading: Luke 1: 1-38

So it also seemed good to me, since I have carefully investigated everything from the very first, to write to you in an orderly sequence, most honorable Theophilus, so that you may know the certainty of the things about which you have been instructed(Luke 1: 3-4).

We begin our 52-week journey through the New Testament with the writings of the author who carefully wrote more verses and words of scripture in the New Testament than any other human writer – the books of Luke and Acts. Luke 1 is the longest chapter in the New Testament and therefore we will divide it over the first 2 days of our journey.

Luke was Greek, making him the only gentile author of scripture. He was well educated, and his writing is as scholarly as if written by the mind of a scientist yet filled with compassion from the heart of a pastor. Luke was a physician, historian, theologian, missionary, and most likely the first pastor of the church at Philippi. Just like all Christians today, Luke believed even though he had not physically seen or met Jesus in the flesh, and made it his mission to share the good news with others.

Theophilus was most likely a Greek man who held a prominent position in the Roman government. Quite possibly, Luke met him in Rome while with Paul during his first imprisonment, described at the end of the book of Acts. Paul and Luke may have evangelized Theophilus, or perhaps he was a new convert when they met him. Regardless, Theophilus desired to know the truth and was confused by the many books that circulated before the finalization of the canon of scripture. These books might have contained some factual content, but they also contained much false and misleading information.

Theophilus’ name means ‘Friend of God’ or ‘Lover of God’. Unknown to Luke as the Holy Spirit inspired him to write, his books would reveal the truth of Jesus and the certainty of the events of His life to all who Love God and are His Friend even now two thousand years later.

What examples for us. Like Theophilus, we are to be children of God who desire and seek the truth of God’s Word. In addition, we are to be as passionate as Luke to use our God-given gifts and talents to communicate God’s truth to build the church, encourage other believers, and share the gospel to reach the lost, all to bring Glory to God.

Luke 1: 39-80
52-Week Journey Through the Bible

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