America’s Men Problem!

Fatherless children are 5 times as likely to live in poverty, repeat a grade, and have emotional problems. The United States leads the world in single parent families. 48% of all children will go to bed tonight in a home without their biological father. 83% of Prison Inmates are Men – 85% of them had no father figure in their life while growing up.

Americans love to treat symptoms. We have shelters for battered wives, teen pregnancy centers, youth programs, and prison ministries.

Yet we do little to solve the problem!

While faith-based prison ministries serve a worthy purpose, it’s too late for the children of those inmates. They are already growing up without their father.  But what if we could have reach those men earlier while they were younger before they went to prison and help them to become Responsible Citizens, and Godly Fathers & Husbands.

At Man in the Mirror, we have a vision to see every church disciple every man. Churches Don't Have To Go It Alone. Man in the Mirror has Field Staff all over the U.S. to assist churches in creating an environment where the Holy Spirit inspires men to engage in life on life discipleship, to help them lead powerful lives for Christ, to become Responsible Citizens, Godly Fathers & Husbands, and develop as Spiritual Leaders.

To learn more about how your church can get involved, please contact me for a no-obligation consultation.

Training & Commissioning
No Man Left Behind Training

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