Romans 1

Journey Through The Bible
 Old Testament Reading:
Jeremiah 19-21
 New Testament Reading: Romans 1

For I am not ashamed of the gospel, because it is the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes, first to the Jew, and also to the Greek. For in it the righteousness of God is revealed from faith to faith, just as it is written: The righteous will live by faith (Romans 1:16-17).

Our 52-week journey through the New Testament turns now to the letters written by the Apostle Paul to various churches. Paul founded most of these churches on his three missionary journeys. However, like this letter to the Romans, a few of the churches Paul had not yet visited. The Apostle Paul wrote thirteen books of the New Testament, more than any of the other human writers. However, since they are shorter letters, Paul’s missionary traveling companion, Dr. Luke, actually wrote more verses of scripture.

Paul writes to the Christians in Rome telling them of his desire to visit them and states his reason; For I am not ashamed of the gospel (v16a). Paul was a preacher of the Gospel, the Good News of Jesus Christ. He uses the word Gospel over seventy-five times in his writings, three times as often as the rest of the New Testament writers combined. Paul had confidence in his message, and he presents four reasons he is not ashamed of the gospel.

The first is the Origin of the Gospel. In his opening sentence, Paul called his message the gospel of God (v1).How could he be ashamed of a message when it originated with God and came from Him? The message of the Gospel is from God the Father and is about God the Son.

Next is the Operation of the Gospel. Paul said he is not ashamed of the gospel, because it is the power of God (v16b). Within the Gospel message is all the power of the Omnipotent God! Paul was telling sinful people the one message that had the power to change their lives.

Third is the Outcome of the Gospel. Paul said it is the power of God for salvation (v16c). The gospel delivers sinners from the penalty and power of sin. Salvation is the greatest need of humanity. If people are to be saved, it must be through faith in Jesus Christ, as proclaimed in the gospel.

Fourth is the Outreach of the Gospel. The gospel is not an exclusive message. It is for everyone who believes, first to the Jew, and also to the Greek (v16d).It is for all people everywhere and given freely to all who believe. God doesn’t ask people to behave, but to believe. Christianity is not about behavior modification, but heart transformation.

Paul then announces the theme of his letter. For in it [the gospel] the righteousness of God is revealed, [and] the righteous will live by faith (v17).God’s righteousness is revealed in the gospel and given to those who by faith believe in His Son, Jesus Christ. God’s righteousness becomes our righteousness because of our faith. It is no wonder that Paul was not ashamed of the gospel and, like Paul, we should never be ashamed to proclaim it.

Romans 2
Revelation 22

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